red snow plow removing snow from commercial parking lot

How to Prepare Your Commercial Property for Snow Removal

Ah, late fall–the time when property managers in Boulder, CO, can feel the pressure mounting as snowflakes start to fall.

It’s a season where ensuring your commercial property stays safe and accessible becomes a top priority. With the right partner by your side, navigating the challenges of snow removal can be a breeze. As you gear up for the snowy months ahead, taking proactive steps to prepare your property for commercial snow plowing can make all the difference. 

Let’s explore how you can effectively prepare your commercial property for snow removal so you can navigate the challenges of winter with confidence. 

Begin with a Thorough Property Walk-Through

The first and most important step in preparing for commercial snow removal in Boulder, CO is consulting with your snow removal contractor. This meeting allows for important communication to take place about your property that only you may know about. You can highlight areas that have been a problem in the past, decide where snow will be piled, and share the high-traffic areas that are top priority when the snow starts to fall.

red snow plow removing snow in front of commercial business

What to Expect During a Property Tour with LID Landscapes

While it may seem surprising, we like to begin meeting with our clients in the summer months, typically June-August. Preparing early is essential because it allows our team to have enough equipment, crew, and materials to service your commercial property well during the winter months. Our account managers will discuss the following items with you:

  • Did you have any pain points with your current or previous providers?
  • What areas are problematic on your property?
  • What are the high-traffic zones we should focus on?
  • What triggers our team to begin providing services?
    • This is usually a 2” snow accumulation to trigger plowing and shoveling - everything below will typically trigger de-icing services
  • What are the current site and landscape conditions?
    • This allows us to keep track of any damages during the season and ensure they are repaired in the Spring.
  • What type of contract is ideal for your business model?
    • Our team offers a one or three-year contract period.
    • Are you interested in de-icing services? This can be approved or declined on your proposal.
    • Are you interested in a monthly contract? This contract is a set price broken up between the eight months of our possible snow season.
  • Are you interested in regular commercial landscape maintenance services?
    • Hiring one company to care for your property year-round provides consistency, ownership, and overall better service. 

Budgeting for commercial snow plowing in the Boulder area can be incredibly difficult. This is why our contracts are billed per service instead of time and materials. Due to the variable nature of snow storms, time and materials contracts can tend to cause costs to add up quickly and become very difficult to budget or plan for since every storm will cost a different amount. The monthly contract option allows you to be able to plan and budget well for the snow season with a consistent price each month of the season - up to a certain amount of accumulation for a season. After the initial meeting and walk-through, you can expect your proposal and a customized operation map in about a week. 

commercial property landscape maintenance account managers walking property 1

Clean-Up Your Landscape Before Snowfall

Once you have secured corporate snow removal services for your business, it is time to prepare your landscape for snow to begin falling. This involves clearing your landscape beds and lawn of any leaves or debris. Leaves left on the lawn or in landscape beds during the winter season can encourage pests to make a home in your landscape, which can result in damage. 

Prepare Trees and Perennials

In preparation for snowfall, it is advisable to trim back most of your perennials. Depending on the specific variety, some may require pruning close to the ground, while others, such as ornamental grasses, can be left intact for added winter interest if desired. Fall pruning of perennials contributes to the overall health of the plants by promoting dormancy and reducing the risk of damage and disease. 

It is also crucial to inspect your trees for any signs of damage or visibility concerns. Any damaged branches should be promptly removed, as the weight of accumulating snow can make them prone to breakage. Additionally, pruning tree limbs that might become weighed down by snow and obstruct visibility around your property is essential for safety and aesthetics. 

aerial commercial landscaping 1

Ensure Safety During Corporate Snow Removal

Preparing your commercial property for snow removal is essential to ensure the safety of employees, customers, and visitors during the winter months. Start by conducting a thorough assessment of your property to identify any potential hazards. Marking these hazards by installing snow stakes around them can help guide snow removal crews and prevent accidents. If your property has removable speed bumps, consider temporarily removing them to facilitate snow removal and prevent damage to plows and equipment. It is also crucial to stake near utilities such as electrical boxes, fire hydrants, and backflows to avoid damage during snow operations. For larger properties, it can be a good idea to designate priority walking routes or parking areas for employees and visitors. This helps your snow management provider to focus on these specified areas during longer and heavier snow events.

Another important aspect of commercial snow plowing preparation is ensuring proper site drainage. With snow melting rapidly once the sun comes out, adequate drainage helps prevent water accumulation and subsequent refreezing, which can create hazardous conditions. If your property has areas where water tends to gather, consider installing caution signs notifying visitors of potential freezing conditions - they even make signs that change color when temperatures are below freezing! By taking these proactive measures, you can ensure efficient and safe snow removal at your commercial property in Boulder. 

cleared parking lot from snow commercial building

Hiring Commercial Snow Removal Services in Boulder, CO

From conducting walk-throughs to tidying up your landscape, there is indeed a lot for you as a property manager or business owner to consider as winter approaches. However, you don’t have to face these challenges alone. 
By partnering with a trusted snow removal and ice management contractor like LID Landscapes, you can tackle the winter season’s challenges head-on with a proactive plan to keep your commercial property safe and accessible for all. Our years of expertise, early preparation, and commitment to excellence ensure that your property is in good hands when the snow starts to fall. 

crew members removing snow by snow blowing and shoveling

Ready to start planning today for snow removal at your business? Start by filling out our contact form!

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Scott Natter

Scott Natter

Scott Natter began his career in landscaping in 2007 and has since worked in numerous positions, leading him to his current role as Vice President and General Manager at LID Landscapes. Along with his wide range of experience in the landscape industry, Scott is also a Licensed Landscape Architect and leads his team to create beautiful landscapes for clients across the Boulder Valley.