Commercial property maintenance mowing lawn and trimming

6 Ways to Keep Your Lawn Thriving in the Heat

Frustrated with a struggling lawn this summer? The intense heat here in Boulder can take a toll on your grass, leaving it looking dry, patchy, and lifeless. However, there is hope!

The key to keeping your lawn thriving in the heat lies in a combination of selecting the right grass type and performing consistent lawn care practices. Maintaining a healthy lawn not only enhances the beauty of your home but also provides a cool, green space for your family to enjoy all summer long. 

Let’s explore six ways to keep your lawn thriving through Boulder’s hot summer months. 

Learn more about:
Heat-Tolerant Grass Varieties
Irrigation Tips
Mowing Practices
Consistent Lawn Maintenance

1. Start by Choosing Heat-Tolerant Grass Varieties

One of the most important steps in maintaining a thriving lawn during Boulder’s hot summers is selecting the right grass type. In our region, cool-season grasses such as Kentucky Blue Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, and Fine Fescue are ideal choices. These varieties are well-suited to Boulder’s climate, offering resilience and adaptability to the area’s temperature fluctuations and high elevation.

In Boulder, many homeowners select blends like Colorado Sun and Shade, available in both sod and seed forms. These blends are specifically designed to perform well in our local environment, offering a balance of durability and aesthetic appeal. For areas that don’t require a manicured look, native seed options like the Foothills Seed Mix and Wildflower Blends are available. These seeds, while not suitable for traditional lawns, are excellent for open fields. Once established, they require little watering and can create a beautiful, natural landscape that complements Boulder’s natural beauty. 

By choosing the right grass type, particularly those suited to Boulder’s unique climate, you set the foundation for a lawn that can withstand both the heat and cold and remain healthy all summer long.

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2. Implement Efficient Watering Techniques to Keep Lawn Green in Summer

Proper watering is key to maintaining a lush, green lawn. With the right techniques, you can ensure your grass gets the moisture it needs without wasting water. 

  1. Water early in the morning: Watering between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. allows water to soak into the soil rather than evaporate. This gives your grass a chance to absorb the water and stay hydrated throughout the day.
  2. Water Deeply, But Infrequently: Aim to water your lawn about 1 to 1.5 inches per week, which can be divided into two or three watering sessions a week. This encourages roots to grow deeper into the soil, making your grass drought-resistant.
  3. Adjust and Inspect Your Sprinklers: Make sure your sprinklers are working properly by adjusting them to avoid sidewalks, driveways, or other areas where water is wasted. Check for any broken or clogged sprinkler heads that might prevent your lawn from being evenly watered.

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3. Lawn Care for Summer? Check Out These Best Mowing Practices

Mowing your lawn correctly is crucial to keeping it healthy and green. Following the best mowing practices can help your grass withstand the heat and continue to thrive.

  • Mow at the Right Height: During the summer it’s important to adjust your mower’s cutting height to promote a resilient lawn. We recommend cutting at a height of 2-3 inches, but in the peak of summer, it should be extended.
  • Mow Regularly: Your lawn should be mowed every week to maintain a healthy appearance. If the turf is dry due to poor irrigation, it is best to hold off on mowing until the grass has had a chance to recover.
  • Mulch Your Clippings: Instead of bagging grass clippings, they should be mulched back into the lawn. Mulching returns valuable nutrients to the soil, helping to nourish your grass naturally. This practice also reduces the need for additional fertilization and helps the soil maintain moisture. 

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4. Keep Lawn Green in Summer with Lawn Aeration

Aeration is a vital practice to keep your lawn green in summer. By aerating your lawn, you help relieve soil compaction, improve water infiltration, and promote deeper root growth. Soil compaction restricts the movement of air, water and nutrients to grass roots, leading to a weakened lawn that is more susceptible to heat and drought stress. Aeration involves removing small plugs of soil from the lawn which helps to loosen the soil and create space for roots to expand.

We recommend aerating your lawn once a year, either in the Fall or Spring. While both seasons offer benefits, Spring is often the best time to aerate here in Boulder. Spring typically brings wetter conditions, which help the soil stay soft and receptive to the aeration process. By aerating in the Spring, you give your lawn a head start on the growing season. It can also be a great time to overseed your turf to help fill in thin patches in your lawn.

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5. How to Keep Grass Green in the Summer? Fertilize Wisely

Fertilizing is an important lawn care for summer tool. When it comes to fertilizing your lawn, organic and slow-release fertilizers are excellent options. Organic fertilizers, made from natural materials, release nutrients slowly, providing a steady supply of nourishment to your grass. This gradual release helps prevent nutrient runoff and reduces the risk of over-fertilizing, which can damage your lawn. 

Different fertilizers are designed to meet the specific needs of your lawn at various times in the year. In Boulder, we recommend fertilizing your lawn three times during the growing season: early May, mid-June, and mid-August. In early May, use a fertilizer that promotes root growth and prepares your lawn for the warmer months ahead. This application also contains pre-emergent products to hep prevent weed growth throughout the season.  By mid-June, switch to a blend that supports healthy growth during the peak of summer. Finally, in mid-August, choose a fertilizer that helps your lawn recover from the summer heat and prepares it for the cooler fall months. 

Residential landscape design kids dog grass

6. Perform Regular Lawn Maintenance

Consistent lawn care is the foundation of overall lawn health. Routine mowing, watering, fertilizing, and aeration, as mentioned above, all contribute to a strong lawn. By sticking to a regular schedule, you can prevent common lawn problems. A well-maintained lawn is more likely to thrive in the heat of summer, stay green during dry spells, and recover quickly from stress. 

Weeds can quickly become more proficient and widespread, especially after any rain. Regular weed pulling is critical to prevent them from taking over your lawn. Most professional lawn care companies offer a revive treatment if your lawn begins to struggle during the peak of summer. These treatments are designed to help stressed lawns recover by improving water penetration and nutrient absorption. 

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How to Partner with the Best Lawn Care Services in Boulder, CO

When the weather is beautiful in Boulder, the last thing you want to do is spend your time working on your lawn. It can be challenging to stick to a regular lawn care schedule, especially when life gets busy. 

That’s where hiring a professional comes in. Lawn care experts have the knowledge and experience to handle all aspects of lawn maintenance, from choosing the right grass and watering techniques to tackling weeds and applying treatments. 

By entrusting your lawn to professionals like LID Landscapes, you can enjoy a beautiful green lawn without sacrificing your free time.

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Ready to let the experts take care of the hard work so you can fully enjoy your outdoor space? Get started today by filling out our contact form

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Scott Natter

Scott Natter

Scott Natter began his career in landscaping in 2007 and has since worked in numerous positions, leading him to his current role as Vice President and General Manager at LID Landscapes. Along with his wide range of experience in the landscape industry, Scott is also a Licensed Landscape Architect and leads his team to create beautiful landscapes for clients across the Boulder Valley.